Instead of making proclamations of how I'm turning over a new leaf and will do better at blogging, I'll jump right in to the photos.
My favorite part of my job is that I get to shoot for the resort. Ironically, this was not part of the job description, but more of a perk that I'm a photographer and on the communications team. Being on the inside has its advantages in that I get to work with our incredible mountain ops department in setting up shoots outside of normal operating hours.
Last season we did a golden hour shoot on Deer Valley's new flow bike trail, Tidal Wave. To say that it was magical is not an understatement. It's by far my favorite shoot I've done for Deer Valley. This summer we coordinated an early season shoot on the trail so that we'd have some greener options for marketing purposes (kind of hard to message for summer when a lot of your photography shows fall colors).